November 11, 2009

Avoid Business Hibernation!

Winter is usually the season where we all slow down. Bears sleep through the cold, bees hide out in their hives, Canadians gather in large stadiums to watch men chase pucks with sticks, and businesses tend to put things off till after the New Year.

Don’t do it.

Many businesses traditionally follow the following cycle: slow during winter, busy during spring, slow during summer, busy during fall. Sure there are exceptions to this, but you’ll be surprised how accurate this cycle is.

As a result, businesses put off starting a marketing initiative during the holiday season, preferring to deal with it in the New Year. Bad move.

Winter and the holiday season is actually the best time to begin new marketing projects.

The slowest period for any marketing initiative is usually the first couple of months. This is when your marketing partner is coming up with design mock ups, first drafts of copywriting, or branding ideas for your consideration.

Doing these things over the holiday season and early winter is the best way to ensure that you’ll have your marketing program ready to go for the spring time business rush.

If you wait until the New Year to start doing these, odds are you won’t have things ready to go when the snow melts and your customers come out of their caves looking to make major purchases.

Don’t hibernate this winter. Start working on your marketing, and you’ll be ahead of your competition come spring.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

August 17, 2009

Is Your Brand Going Extinct?

Brands are like dinosaurs. They either evolve into birds and fly, or they stay on the ground and die.

For the last generation, marketing has been focused on helping businesses build brands by customer loyalty: focus on your core client group in any exercise of growth and sustainability.

And it worked. Very well. That marketing advice gave rise to some of the biggest brands in history: Ford, IBM, Xerox, Nortel, Coke. All of them built brands by making sure they understood their target, immediate demographics. And all these brands are in trouble.

These brands are collapsing. Many might not even be here a decade from now. Heck, some of them are already the walking dead.

And like the extinction of the dinosaurs, they never saw it coming.

If you’ve run a successful company for the last decade or so, don’t rest on your laurels. Your brand might be next.

Success in brand development for these companies came at a price: lack of investment in brand outgrowth. By focusing on their immediate client base, and current demographics, these brands failed to invest in the future. As a result, new brands captured the interest of new buyers, and many old brands are dying a slow –and inevitable death.

Just look at the car industry.

Lost in the arguments of fuel efficiency, union labour costs, and foreign competition was the stark reality that American auto companies and brand legends Ford, GM, and Chrysler failed to notice the ground shifting beneath their tires. While they were developing and maintaining brand protocols for their current demographic base (guys like our fathers), the failed to notice that a new generation (younger, savvier, and even FEMALE) was looking at cars in a different way. They were discovering brands in a different way. They were seeing products in a different way.

And this is happening everywhere: telecom, manufacturing, computers, food, drinks, toys, tools, pet supplies, cosmetics, electronics, television, and even politics. Everything is undergoing a seismic shift in brand awareness. Just like that asteroid that hit the dinosaurs.

Today, the very path that lead to great success for many companies –perhaps even your own company- might lead to certain future failure at a frighteningly fast pace. Companies need to enact new brand legislation, and new brand initiatives to connect with future brand champions and buyers.

Every single purchaser out there, from the CFO of a Fortune 500 company to the parent buying baby food for her new born, is going to be completely different in terms of brand awareness, brand evaluation methodology, and brand discovery processes than they were 5 years ago. Failing to recognize this can mean that very successful companies and brands today might be featured in the “Where Are They Now?” section of marketing textbooks in just 5 years.

It’s time to evolve.

Get your company exposed to the next generation of buyers BEFORE they become buyers. Let them become aware of your brand, so that when they are the ones making the decisions to purchase you have ALREADY won the brand war.

Ask yourself TODAY:

1) Are you positioning your brand for growth with future decision makers or just your current client base?

2) Do you know what demands are going to be made of your brand and your product or service line up in the next 5 years? The next 10?

3) What steps have you taken to grow your brand awareness to those under the age of 30?

4) Do you have a brand succession plan in place?

Brand extinction is real. It’s happening today. It ‘s happening to big companies and it’s happening to small ones.

Like the dinosaurs it is either adapt and fly, or die and go in a museum.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

June 01, 2009

Don’t be a Business Killer

I’m going to tell you a real life true-crime story. In this story, the victim is a business, killed by the very entrepreneur that was entrusted to protect it.

Now, like all good true-crime stories, the names have been changed to protect the innocent. But the sad thing is that, in this story, there are no innocents. Only victims. So we’re changing their names to protect against a lawsuit. (As good a reason as any, I suppose.)

I first met –oh, let’s call him Mr. X- in a networking function two years ago. He was, and still is, a nice, great guy, with a broad smile and an enthusiasm for business that is infectious.

We first started talking about his business a few days later, and I was really intrigued by his idea. He was the owner and operator of a great new fitness concept that we will call Fitness Inc.

Fitness Inc is so unique that I can’t even describe it in this blog without identifying the company. Needless to say, it was a great new idea for how to get a workout. And –as I felt at the time- if marketed and positioned properly, could turn the fitness industry upside down.

While Mr. X enjoyed discussing marketing with me, I found him to be resilient towards any outside help. His excuses were ones I’ve heard many times over the years. See if you recognize these as any that you would say:
  • There’s no budget for it at this time
  • We’ll do it in house
  • We don’t think we need it
  • We feel our idea is so great, it will market itself
So we parted ways, but I always kept in touch with Mr. X. After all, I had no hard feelings, and I really liked his business idea. A few months later, I followed up with Mr. X again to see how things are going, and I was shocked to learn that Fitness Inc was going out of business. Shocked but not surprised. But what really blew me away was Mr. X’s rational as to why his business went under. Again, see if this sounds familiar to you:
“Times are not conductive to build out our Fitness Inc concept right now.”
As soon as I heard that, I realized I was dealing with business murder. Because this was a business that was allowed to die, not one that deserved to die. I’ve been doing marketing for a number of years now, and in that time, I’ve seen businesses succeed and fail. And in almost every case of business failure I’ve noticed two things: 1) The failures were predictable, and 2) The failures were avoidable. Fitness Inc didn’t have to die. It could be, right now, one of the most talked about new gyms in Canada with franchises in development all over. Even from my initial discussions with Mr. X, it was clear to me that there was a lack of understanding of his market, his marketing strategy and how to connect to potential customers. Not because Mr. X was ignorant, but because he was allowing his love for his own idea get in the way of him seeing the opportunities and threats that lay before him. His business “crimes” included:
  • Failure to understand the marketplace
  • Failure to know who his idea customer was
  • Failure to work to get the message out there
  • Investing in locations, equipment, and manpower, before investing in his brand
  • Assuming that a great idea was enough
I keep going back to his excuse as to why his business failed: “Times are not conductive to build out our Fitness Inc concept right now.” In that excuse lays the entire classic rational that entrepreneurs use when they screw up. Let’s make one thing clear: rarely, if ever, does a business depend upon the economic, social, or political Zeitgeist of the moment for success or failure. The following is almost always true for 98% of businesses:
  • NOW is the right time for you to start a business
  • NOW is the right time to connect with your ideal customer
  • NOW is the right time for success
Entrepreneurs kill their own businesses by strangling them to death. The do it by restricting outside ideas, opinions, and advice. They do it by assuming they know everything, and that everything can be done “in house”. And worse yet, when their business dies, they take no responsibility in the matter, get a new incorporation number and proceed to kill all over again. I call this serial entrepreneurial murder.

Even the best business people in the world don’t know everything. Don’t assume you do. Listen, learn, ask questions, and hire an expert. There’s no shame in that, and –believe me- there is always a budget for it. You just have to be willing to find it.

Don’t be a business killer. Reach out and ask an expert: a marketer, a lawyer, an accountant –everyone. If not, the next blog post might be about you.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

May 28, 2009

a5MEDIA Featured in MENSCHLife PodCast

Hey everyone!

Been a long time since our last post, but we're back and better than ever.

Recently, I had the huge honor of being interviewed by David Grossman for his awesome podcast MENSCHLife ( (

You can see the entire show below. I'm featured in the last 15 minutes. Just let the video load totally if you want to skip to the end.

More to come!

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

March 23, 2009

4 Networking Groups You HAVE to Join

Are you interested in networking but not sure what groups or events to go to?

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about networking events, and what are the best groups to join.  As you may recall, I mentioned networking in my blog about the 5 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Business.

Networking is a great, cheap way to meet potential clients and make important business contacts.  But what networking events or groups are worth your time?

Every business is different, and each industry has their key groups that you should join.  But assuming you’ve already done that, networking outside of your industry will allow you to expand your reach and meet new people.

Here are my “one size fits all” recommendations for networking in the Toronto area.  These networking groups are good for almost anyone, and can act as a means to help you get comfortable with the idea of getting out there and pressing the flesh.

1.    Vaughn Chamber of Commerce:   The City of Vaughn is growing fast, and some of the most exciting new businesses are coming out of there right now.  They are a great chamber to join, offer great incentives and benefits to become a member, and throw great networking events.  To learn more about becoming a member, click here.

2.    BNI Canada: One of the classic networking groups in the world, BNI has a Canadian division that is broken up into local chapters.  Their unique networking sessions focus on referral marketing and encourage members to refer business to each other, and no chapter can have two people marketing the same business.

3.    JCI Canada: The Junior Chamber International has a Canadian division that is just great.  The JCI specializes in young entrepreneurs and is an amazing place to meet young professionals.  I recently attended an event and was absolutely blown away by the energy and ideas that the group had.  If you are between 18-40, you should definitely be checking this chamber out.  Click here to learn more.

4.    The Italian Chamber of Commerce Toronto (ICCT): Quite frankly, the ICCT is the best chamber in Toronto for my money (and I’m not just saying that because they are a client of ours!).  They have a tremendously supportive staff, throw amazing networking events, have a wide variety of members, and offer great advertising opportunities.  Best of all, they coordinate their efforts with every other Italian chamber in the world, so if you need help expanding a business internationally they are ideally suited to help you.  Click here to learn more about joining.

Visit and attend some functions of all of these chambers before you decide to join any.  All great networking places allow you to audit a few events before you become a member.

Membership fees are very affordable, and they offer you a chance to interact with other members and receive great member benefits that often result in savings of thousands of dollars for many businesses.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

March 12, 2009

a5MEDIA Stimulus Plan for Small Business

Small business represents 85% of the market place.  And it’s vulnerable to the economic uncertainty ahead.

Now, more than ever, small businesses need help to secure their sales and grow their business.

While governments on both sides of the border are doing their best to stimulate the economy, none have really put forward a plan of action for small business that goes beyond token tax cuts.

Well, a5MEDIA has other ideas.  And we’d like to share them with you.

Introducing a5MEDIA’s Stimulus Plan.  A balanced, demand based strategy to help businesses attract clients, minimize government intervention, and help usher in a renaissance of entrepreneurship.

As any good entrepreneur will tell you, 90% of sales is convincing people to spend money.  And this is done through developing a strong brand and a strong marketing campaign.  For small businesses, this is now VITAL to do, but with a shrinking economy, most are unable to afford it.

a5MEDIA is proposing that governments offer a series of tax credits for the next 12 months for all businesses who invest in developing a stronger brand, understanding their market better, and marketing and attracting new clients and customers.

Doing so will not only result in a more robust small business segment in the long run, but will help some businesses grow at a faster rate that they wouldn’t have before.

The Details of the Plan:

a5MEDIA recommends that governments on all levels join forces to help businesses invest in themselves.

Tax credits for the following:  (For every one dollar spent on the following, the government will count it towards your next tax year.)

1.    Market Research – 100% tax credit: any exercise that helps businesses understand their clients and market better will result in stronger businesses with better products and services.  Encouraging businesses to do this will help them create a strong and focused plan of action and will help reduce the chance of costly mistakes that lead to failure.
2.    Branding – 100% tax credit: businesses need to be able to stand out to survive.  Having a unique brand and a unique offering is central to this.  Investing in a branding exercise results in stronger companies, more disciplined management, and happier customers.
3.    New Website -100% tax credit: too many businesses don’t have a website.  Having one is CRUCIAL to our national competitiveness on the net, and is desperately needed to help businesses to attract new clients.  Empowering businesses to get a new website will do more to jump start an economy that any tax cut that government can come up with.
4.    Upgrade of an Existing Website- 50% tax credit: many businesses have a website but need to upgrade it to feature new products and services, or integrate new technologies.  A tax credit will allow these businesses to post more relevant information, feature new events, and attract new clients.
5.    Ecommerce – 100% tax credit: a disturbing number of businesses don’t have an ecommerce system set up.  This is preventing entire revenue streams from entering their business, hampering growth, and preventing government from collecting tax revenue from a major source of spending.  Making it easier for companies to do online business is a win-win for government and business.
6.    Advertising – 100% tax credit: perhaps the easiest way to attract customers is through advertising.  Offering a tax credit on advertising is not just good for small business, but good for the entire system as well.  Newspapers, radio stations, networks are all being hammered because of a drop in advertising revenue.  By encouraging businesses to advertise by way of a tax credit, we will not just be helping small business, but also the media networks from collapsing.
7.    Direct Mail – 90% price cut, 100% tax credit.  One of the main reasons why so many businesses can’t take advantage of the most successful marketing tool available is cost.  By asking the post office to slash direct mail prices by 90%, more businesses will be able to reach out to more customers.  As an added bonus: most non profits live and die based on their direct mail campaigns.  By making it more affordable for them during this economic downturn, we are increasing the chances of them attracting new and desperately needed donors.

The benefits from such a stimulus plan would be significant:

1.    We will be empowering small business owners to grow their own businesses
2.    We will be creating a  stronger small business sector
3.    Will be encouraging grass roots, local purchases and trade
4.    We will be investing in 85% of our market place and ensuring the economic diversity of the nation
5.    We will be protecting the jobs of a far greater amount of people than the auto industry
6.    Tax credits can be phased out after 12 months, so there are no long term costs for tax payers to absorb

a5MEDIA knows how important it is for businesses to be proactive in their own survival.  This plan will not only protect tax payers, but will lay down the foundation for future business growth, and help create a stronger small business economy for years to come.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc.

March 10, 2009

a5MEDIA's Small Business Stimulus Plan

If you're like me, you are probably sick to death of hearing of big banks and big companies getting billions of tax payer dollars, while small businesses get relatively nothing.

Small business represents 85% of the market place, and as such, I think we deserve a piece of the pie too.

With all of the emphasis on the big guys, no one seems to be looking out for the little guy.

Well a5MEDIA is going to change that.

Next week, we are going to announce our free marketing consultation service for small business. If you're a small business and you don't know how to grow, we'll help We'll sit down with you for an hour, go over your strategies, your materials, and then provide you with a plan of action report to help you understand the steps you need to take to grow.

If you want our help beyond that, we are here to serve. If not, you will have a solid road map that you can use to focus on over coming your business's weaknesses, playing up it's strengths, and getting the most out of your marketing bucks.

Stay tuned for more!

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

March 09, 2009

The Importance of Domain Emails To Marketing

I'm not going to lie.

I cannot believe that -9 years into the 21st century- I have to write this blog post. But it seems that many businesses just are not getting the message.

Domain email addresses are VITAL to your marketing success. Not all email addresses are the same.

There are two kinds. For the sake of this blog, we are going to call them Domain Email Addresses and Residential or Free Email Addresses.

Domain email addresses would be something like

A residential email address is -for the sake of this blog- everything else. Hotmail, GMail, Yahoo, Rogers, Sympatico, Interlog, AOL, of any free email service or any email service that comes from your Internet service provider.

Having a domain email address is not just important because it is the professional business thing to do. There are several KEY reasons why you need to start using a domain email address:

1) It is central to maintaining your brand when conducting any kind of online communications. When you use a residential email account, you are not pushing forward your brand (, you are pushing your free email account's brand (Hotmail, Yahoo, etc).

2) At every turn, your clients must be reminded of who you are and what you do. This is no more easily done that having your company name as part of your email. And before you ask: NO. It doesn't count if you place your company name with a Hotmail account for example. (

3) They tend to be more reliable in service than free email accounts.

4) They integrate easily with Blackberry and iPhone systems.

5) Many domain email accounts come with back up options to ensure that your correspondence is always preserved in case your computer crashes

6) Almost all domain email accounts allow you to either download your emails to your local computer via a mail reader like Outlook, or they allow you to access your mail via a web portal. This means that you can access to your emails from anywhere.

7) Almost all web hosting providers offer email services. So if you have a website, odds are you can have a domain email as well. Setting one up is easy, and your hosting provider will be more than happy to assist you.

Many people choose to use a residential or free email service because it comes as part of their home Internet package or because they think it is easier to use.

The problem is that using it makes you look cheap, and unsophisticated -something you don't want to be seen as in the business world.

But other than the pure optics of the situation, there are really important NOT to use a residential or free email services:

1) They don't come with any kind of guarantee of "up time". This means if your email server crashes, your free email provider has no obligation to get it back up and running within any window of time. You can be out for hours or even WEEKS. Heck, Hotmail can shut down tomorrow with no warning and there is nothing you can do about it.

2) They tend to have very paranoid SPAM and virus settings that might toss important messages or messages with important attachments into your JUNK folder where you may not see it. In some cases, attachments will be deleted all together because of virus fears.

3) Many professional companies flag emails received from residential or free email accounts, so YOUR emails might be sent to the JUNK folders of your clients or potential clients.

4) With the rise of online scams, many businesses are no longer taking seriously correspondence coming from free email accounts.

5) Some clients might take issue with important and potentially confidential business correspondence taking place over a 'freebie' email account, as they are subject to constant hacker attempts. In fact, you might be subject to legal action as a result.

Domain email accounts are so important to your online business image. Getting one is easy, affordable, and fast. Believe me, you are going to lose more business by NOT getting one, than you will spend using one.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

March 02, 2009

2009. The Year Marketing Changes Forever

I rarely look into my crystal ball, and even more rarely go public about my thoughts and predictions for the future. But in this case, I feel that I have to as no one is really talking about this in the media.

It goes without saying –and I mentioned it in our first post- that 2009 is going to be a bloodbath for business. I like to fancy myself as an arm chair economist, and –this time- I can see the writing on the walls: The stock market is only going to sink more, more American banks are going to tank, and more layoffs are going to happen.

We’ve all heard of the troubles of City Bank, Ford, Chrysler, GM, AIG, Freddie Mac, Fannie May. And those are just the really, really big ones. There are a host of other big companies that are on the ropes, waiting for the knockout punch.

In 2009, three streets are going to fail, and forever change: Wall Street, Main Street, and Madison Avenue.

We’re all familiar with the issues on Wall Street, and we all know how this is affecting things on Main Street. (You know. Where regular people live, losing their jobs, and are getting evicted from their homes.)

But if these two streets are seeing bloodshed, wait till you see the massacre on Madison Avenue.

Madison Avenue is where most of the big advertising companies reside. It’s also a euphemism for the entire marketing/advertising/PR industry.

If you know anything about this industry, you know that for all the hype surrounding the big firms, they are all basically the same. Almost all of them focus almost only on Fortune 500 companies, almost all of them have HUGE office buildings and carry a massive overhead, almost all of them get 80% of their wealth from 1 or 2 big customers, and almost all of them are on life support right now.

Right now, the marketing industry is seeing layoffs at a rate that hasn’t been seen in decades, and it hasn’t even got really bad yet. Many will collapse before the end of 2009. And the ones that survive will never be the same.

Why? Because the entire industry has fixated itself on the really big guys, when the really big guys go broke, the industry starves. Big corporations cannot pay their rent any longer, let alone an advertising and interactive marketing campaign.

However, there is an important silver lining to these dark clouds and –for once- it’s the little guy that will benefit.

Firstly is that there is going to be a FLOOD of talented designers, writers, PR people, and advertising specialists hitting the markets as they continue to be laid off. If you require an in house specialist for a short period of time, now is the time to look. There is some great talent out there looking for work.

Secondly, advertising rates are expected to drop this year sharply. Now is the time to go out there and push your business. Newspapers, television stations, and radio stations are desperate for ad revenue. If you are a good negotiator you will get yourself a great deal. Don’t believe me? Here’s a list of news papers that have gone or are almost bankrupt in 2009 alone!

Thirdly, with larger firms not advertising as much, mid-sized firms have a chance to increase mind share by being more aggressive in their marketing. While the confidence in large companies wanes, smaller firms can position themselves as a stable more reliable alternative.

Fourthly, if you are a fellow marketing firm of modest size, this is the year to get noticed. A lot of the larger firms will be no longer able to service their clients at reasonable rates. A small firm can clean up this year with a great strategy to get those clients.

From the very beginning, a5MEDIA structured itself to be the anti-agency. We deliberately focused on smaller businesses, and had a business model that demanded a variety of clients of all sizes. As of 2008, a5MEDIA has set itself up to not require a physical office to work from (lowering our overhead and reducing our costs to our clients), but also instituted an online collaboration system to allow us to work more effectively with clients no matter where they are in the world.

I’m not saying this (just) to toot our own horn. (Toot!) I’m mentioning this because this ‘market correction’ in the advertising world is going to affect the way a lot of businesses do their marketing.

Ultimately, Madison Avenue will come roaring back. But it won’t be this year or even next. But these two years will forever change the industry in my opinion. Firms are going to get more humble; they will rely more and more on out sourcing and freelancers, and will ultimately take on more medium sized clients to diversify their client base. (Sound familiar?)

In the meantime, it’s a golden opportunity for small business and small marketing firms. Don’t let this year pass you by without taking advantage of it!

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA

March 01, 2009

Restaurant Marketing Tips – Part 2

Last time, we talked about the fundamentals of restaurant marketing. Today, I want to talk about the digital age has affected restaurant marketing, and what steps a restaurant or diner can take to help see their sales grow.

The Internet has revolutionized restaurant marketing like it has revolutionized everything else. But it is still concerning to see how many restaurants have not taken advantage of what the Internet has to offer in terms of great marketing solutions.

Too many restaurants still rely on word of mouth or pedestrian traffic for their sales. While this will always be the mainstay of their business, it is becoming increasingly more and more competitive to ensure consistent sales growth for individual eateries.

2009, with all of the financial issues we are facing, is going to be tough for most businesses. It will be ESPECIALLY difficult for restaurants. Now, more than ever, restaurants need to focus on long term strategies for consistent growth.

The Internet provides a perfect vehicle to do just that. So let's see what can be done on line to get more patrons at your eatery.

Get a Website: Why is it that more restaurants don't have a custom website is mind boggling. No matter what the upfront cost is, by not spending it you are jeopardizing much more in potentially lost sales. So get one. NOW! A good website will be custom done -from scratch- to
convey to the visitor your restaurant's experience. It will be search engine friendly, have lots of pictures of your establishment, lots of pictures of your dishes (people eat with their eyes), your menus (both food and drink), prices, hours of operation, map of your location, and contact info (both phone and email). Don't forget to make sure that your location is listed on every page. This is a great way to ensure that you are found. Nowadays, people want to learn as much about a business before they drop their cash. A website is a great way of doing that.

Start Email Marketing: On your website, allow people the chance to sign up to your mailing list so you can easily send them email updates about specials, events, and promotions. And send these emails out regularly. At least once at week but no more that 3 times a week. When you give your customers their bill, give them a card they can fill out and provide their email information and let them know you want to stay in touch. Some great and affordable email marketing tools include 12ALL and PHPList. Email marketing is completely under utilized by restaurants, so make sure you take full advantage of it and be creative in your use. (More on this next).

REALLY Start Email Marketing: Now that you have a database of customers, and great email marketing software, keep in touch with your subscribers. And keep in touch creatively. Don't just let them know about this weeks specials, use email marketing to help you with your downtime. Use it as a means to kick up sales on a bad day. For example, anyone who owns a restaurant knows how a rainy day can kill sales. So instead of spending the day alone at your eatery, send out an email and offer a 'rainy day special'. Try and make an offer that will entice people to brave the weather and join you for a meal!

Be Wary of Restaurant Directories: In Toronto, restaurants are tempted to join MenuPalace or Dine.TO. While I have nothing against these businesses per se, they all merely glorified restaurant directories. Ultimately, they offer you little in ways of a tactical advantage. Most people will still use Google or Yahoo and do a search for the kind of restaurant they are hungry for. Many of these kinds of sites will offer to develop a website for you for cheap. I recommend against it. Many times, they use template based solutions, that make all of their websites look exactly the same.
You're has to stand out. Worse yet, much of the time they do websites in Flash, that aren't search engine friendly. It is much better for you in the long run to invest in a well designed website that is search engine friendly.

Get on Facebook: Facebook groups are a great way to extend your brand. They allow you to reintroduce it to your friends, and allow your advertising to grow organically. Social networking is going to be the dominant marketing tool for the next 5 years, so get used to it. Get on Facebook, start a group, add lots of photos, and start inviting people. It's free, it's easy, it works, and -did I mention?- it's free.

Get on Twitter: Along with Email Marketing, Facebook, and a Website, Twitter is a great way to send out quick messages to your fans. Twitter is basically an on line paging system. Type a message, hit enter, and anyone that is following you on Twitter will get your message. This is a GREAT tool to use in conjunction with an email marketing initiative and ties in very well with Facebook.

Take Professional Photos: I've mentioned this already before, but it bares repeating. People eat with their eyes. The more delicious your food looks the more people will want to eat it. Make sure your photos are professionally done, so they look their most yummy. Once you have them, post them everywhere: your website, Facebook, Twitter, everywhere!

The Internet provides all the tools you need to get a great marketing campaign off the ground for your business quickly, and affordably. And you HAVE to start using it. Effective use of on line marketing techniques can be a Godsend for your restaurant.

Get to it!

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc.

February 24, 2009

Tax Time Means Marketing Time (For Accountants)

Did you know that only 15% of all accountants have a website? Doesn’t that sound a little weird to you, given the fact that most businesses really don’t have a solid relationship with accountants to begin with?

Accounting –next to prostitution- is probably the oldest profession in history. Written language actually developed for the purposes of keeping track of grain storage and inventory in ancient Sumaria. Ancient accountants were second only to the priest class in social importance to early empires.

And you know what? It’s still an old profession. It’s a profession that insists on presenting itself in a dull, dated, tired way. If at all!

If you’re an accountant, or know someone who is, this blog posting is for you. Sure, accounting is boring, but that’s no excuse for boring marketing.

So here we go: 7 important marketing tips for accountants

  1. Stop complaining that accounting is dull. Accept it, embrace it, love it. Accounting may be dull, but your services are still vital for business success. That’s what you should focus on.
  2. Get a website and say something. Accounting services are all pretty much the same, but each accountant does different things. What do you do that is different from the other guy? What’s your focus? What do you specialize in?
  3. Uncomplicate the complicated. Accounting is a nightmare for most businesses. But the most successful accountants take that confusion and use it as a great sales tool. They simplify the process of accounting for their clients. Show businesses how you make their accounting a breeze, and watch business pour in.
  4. Bundle services as products. Here’s a secret: 90% of businesses run exactly the same way. They all pay their bills around the same times, they all pay their staffs around the same time, and they all have the same kind of inventory issues. Knowing this should allow you to create service offerings that you can sell on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis to businesses. Sell your services as a product, and you’ll see business pick up!
  5. Get a brochure. Most accountants don’t have one, and it still boggles my mind. Accounting is a lot more than just QuickBooks. It’s bookkeeping, auditing, taxation advice, investment advice, spending advice, payroll services. It’s HUGE. By listing your services with a brief description, you allow your customers to better understand what you offer, and that makes it easier for people to buy additional services from you.
  6. Do a newsletter. Send out a monthly or quarterly newsletter via email or regular mail to your clients. Let them know what is new in the world of taxes and accounting. Keep them in the loop on things and you’ll look like a superstar!
  7. Understand business cycles of various industries. Many industries go through unique sales cycles. The more you understand those cycles the better you are positioned to send your sales material at just the right time to capture their business. Remember: most people save doing their accounting and their taxes till the last possible moment. So knowing when that last moment is on their schedule can be vital to gaining them as a new client!

Accountants really need to start focusing on their messaging and marketing. It is too vital a service to the business community.

In the next 10 years you’ll notice a trend that the accountants with the best online image and focused messages will be the ones that will have the best success.

The question is: do you want to share in that success?

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

February 11, 2009

February 09, 2009

Tips for Marketing Your Restaurant

Do you know someone who owns a restaurant, diner, or café? Then this blog post is for them.

Today we talk about marketing for restaurants –an often neglected practice for many eateries.Why so many restaurants think they are immune from the basic laws of marketing, I will never know, but it’s time we set the record straight on the importance of marketing to this industry.

Effective marketing will not only increase the number of patrons that visit your establishment, but will help you minimize traditional restaurant ‘downtimes’.

Act Locally

  • Most restaurateurs will tell you that most of their clientele is from the local neighborhood. So focusing the bulk of your marketing activities to your surrounding area is key.

  • Surrounding billboards, bus stop advertisements, and community newspapers are a great way to capture the attention of the locals and the passer-bys.

  • Direct mail and flier campaigns are the most effective for a targeted campaign. Set aside a budget to allow for at least three mail campaigns per month to your neighborhood. Doing this ensures that you will always be at the top of people’s minds when their stomach starts to growl.

Get Reviewed

  • Restaurant reviews are a great way to capture citywide attention at minimal cost.

  • Hire a good Public Relations person or firm and let them drum up media attention for you.

  • It’s cheaper than advertising and will give you great exposure beyond your local ‘hood.

  • If you can’t afford a PR person, work the phones and invite reviewers down personally.

  • You won’t know that the reviewer has eaten at your place until you read the review , so always be ready!


  • Once you get reviewed –and of course it will be a great one- give the article a prominent place near the outside of your restaurant for potential clientele to see.

  • People will always choose to eat at a restaurant that has been reviewed positively, than one that has never been reviewed at all.

  • Be careful to keep such postings current however. No one cares about the glowing review you got when you first opened in 1967. They want to make sure that you are still great TODAY.
In the upcoming weeks, I’ll be posting about how restaurants can take full advantage of online technologies to give their businesses a shot in the arm. So stay tuned!Do you have a suggestion for how to market a restaurant? Share it with us!

Turn Downtime into Uptime

  • Most companies hold most of their meetings when restaurants are at their slowest. So convince those businesses to hold their meetings at your place.

  • If possible, create a ‘corporate’ area at your establishment with easy access to electrical plugs, and maybe even a projector and screen. (In Toronto, a restaurant called Insomnia has done this brilliantly).

  • More and more companies are also holding their events during the day. So let businesses know that they are able to completely book your establishment during certain hours.

  • You can easily send a mail campaign to only businesses in your neighborhood letting them know that you are now biz-friendly.

  • Students and freelance workers are always desperate to get out of the house to get some work done. Make your business friendly to them by offering free WI-FI access.

  • Even if all you get is a few extra patrons a day who order only coffee, this could mean HUNDREDS of extra dollars a month in sales.

Keep it New

Sooner or later your regulars will have tried everything on the menu, and will be in the mood for something new. That’s why it’s really important to always be on top of the latest culinary trends, and incorporate them into your menus if possible. The trick is to always give your patrons a reason to come back.

  • Have a daily special, and make sure you never repeat it more than once every two weeks.

  • Make sure your menu evolves. Always make sure that your menu is operating at peak efficiency. Drop the less popular items and substitute them with new dishes.

  • Try a new twist on an old favorite. Put your chefs had on and experiment. People want to try new things, and your job is to make sure it is delicious.

Deliver, deliver, deliver.

People are lazy. They don’t want to walk all the way across the street to get some food, when Pizza Pizza, Quiznos, Pita Pit, and Swiss Chalet will now deliver. You need to start doing so to remain competitive.

  • Start off small. Let your regulars know that you now deliver within a three block radius.

  • Expand your circle of delivery as demand grows.

  • Send out a flier to your delivery zone once a month making sure you mention that you deliver.

  • Set up a page on your website (you DO have a website don’t you?!) devoted exclusively to delivery, and posting your menu there for easy access.

The restaurant business is probably the toughest industry in the world. You think stock brokers are under pressure? Try owning a hot dog stand. But with the right skill, a great menu, and a solid marketing push, a restaurant is in a unique position to make tremendous money.

Yusuf Gad

President, a5MEDIA

January 29, 2009

Marketing God

Is it wrong to advertise against God?

It's the big story in Toronto today and the TTC (our public transportation system administrators here) are in the process of answering that question.

A group called the Freethought Association of Canada ( are going to place adverts in Toronto buses stating "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

Provoked yet?

Now, religious advertising on the transit system is nothing new. A group calling itself Bus Stop Bible Studies ( have been advertising for a while now. And no one ever seemed to raise a stink about Bible verses hanging over their heads on the commute to work.

Religious groups are –of course- poised to protest the Freethought Association for what they deem to be offensive advertising. But I would caution them against that.

This is a golden opportunity for religious groups to reach out and engage in the kind of marketing push God really needs right now.

Let's be honest. It's been a tough time for The Supreme Being. Holy Wars, cultural shifts, value changes have all left the Big Guy a little deflated. If anyone needs a re-branding, it's God.

Part of the reason for the God Brand being hurt, is that he's been marketed wrong for years now. Old man with beard, angry deity demanding sacrifice, dispassionate omnipotent force calling for judgement. Doesn't exactly make you want to rush to church.

But those that know their stuff, know that that isn't what God is about. And it's time that they start re-introducing us to Him. What better way than an advertising campaign?

I ask –and I challenge- religious groups of all kinds to take up the cause and fire back with a pithy ad of their own. Find a marketing firm that will rise to the occasion, and launch a counter strike. This could be the most important series of advertisements since Pepsi and Coke went at it during the 1980s.

God has always been marketed. "Our god is better than your god" is probably the oldest slogan in history. "God is great" is really just a religious company motto.

Religious groups should see this as a chance to reconnect people to the God that inspired people to great things: for Jesus to love his enemies, for Muhammad to demand social justice, for Ghandi to seek peaceful means to an end.

Marketing God is just another exercise in sophisticated branding. The marketing of God is not about proving His existence. It's about relaying the experience of the divine, and the transformational power He's had throughout history.

People say that Coke is the biggest brand in advertising. Somehow –after today- I think they are wrong.

Yusuf Gad

President, a5MEDIA inc

January 28, 2009

7 DOs for Successful Marketing on Facebook

Facebook is one of the most important marketing weapons in a small business arsenal. It’s free, it’s easy to use, and it’s a great way to get your message out there. AND it does work! I can say that in the last month we at a5MEDIA have picked up three new clients because they found us on Facebook. If you want to see results with Facebook and get the biggest bang from your online marketing, here are 7 key DOs for you to follow:

  1. DO have a Facebook group page AND a Facebook fan page. Having both allows you to do two things. A) It lets you have twice as much correspondence for people. B) It gives you twice as many chances to invite people to get to know your brand.

  2. DO link to your website, contact info and blogs. A Facebook page is just a teaser about your company. It won’t have all your company information. You need to give an avenue for people to discover your brand and services on their own terms, and find the information that is important to them.

  3. DO upload photos . People are visual. They want to ‘see’ the story before read it. So show off your products, services, clients, and team on Facebook by uploading their pictures. Use the picture description to tell the world a little story behind each photo, and watch your members’ interest rise!

  4. DO invite EVERYONE you know. The more people you invite the faster your brand awareness grows. In face it starts to grow EXPONENTIALLY, because each person that joins your group or page will set off a News Feed that will allow others to see that they have joined. People who have never met you will learn about your company!

  5. DO keep your pages up to date. There is no point in creating Facebook groups or pages if you aren’t going to use them as one of your ongoing marketing touch points. You need to keep posting relevant information on a continuous basis. News, product launches, success stories, tips, tricks - all of these need to be fed into your Facebook scene!

  6. DO send out messages regularly. Facebook is perhaps the EASIEST e-marketing tool invented. Your pages allow you to easily send messages out to everyone. What a great way to let people know about your next sale, your new open house, or your grand opening. Keep in touch with your fans, and you will always be in their minds when they are making a purchasing decision.

  7. DO respond to messages on your pages. If all goes well, your Facebook pages will be seen more as a community and less as a billboard. People will start talking about your business, asking you questions, and giving you testimonials. You need to be vigilant and answer each and every one of these, so that you maintain close contact with potential buyers. Become friends with them and you will have a customer for life!

7 simple DOs, when done right- and consistently -will help you get new clients and grow your brand awareness. And, hopefully, stop you from having any marketing D’OHs!

Yusuf Gad

President, a5MEDIA

January 22, 2009

6 Ways to Get FREE Marketing

As we all know, 2009 is going to be a living hell for many businesses. Revenues are going to be down, and sales will be anaemic. However, that doesn’t mean you stop going after new customers. On the contrary: you had better double your efforts! For the budget conscious, here are 6 ways to get your message out there for next to NO money:

1. BLOGGING. Blogging is a free way to get your message out there to the masses. Anyone can do it, and best of all, it is FREE, FREE, FREE! Personally, I recommend using Google’s free Blogger, but there are LOTS of different blog sites to choose from.

2. YOUTUBE. It is FREE to post videos on
YouTube. Doing so can get you some free advertising. Better yet, you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Have something to say? Record it on your webcam using free webcam recording software, and add titles and special effects using Windows free editing software. Get creative and you can have a viral hit on your hands!

3. VIRTUAL DEMOS. Showing is always better than telling. So when you need to SHOW something to someone, consider producing your own
demos right from your desktop. Just use free screen capturing software and you can showcase your new software , product, website or anything else on your computer, then easily upload it so that the world can watch it.

4. REMOTE COLLABORATION. Is distance an issue when trying to conduct business? Today, it is easier –and cheaper- than ever to expand your client base globally. Companies like
DimDim are providing FREE online collaboration tools that allow you to connect with people anywhere in the world and review materials, do presentations, VOIP, do white board sessions – with clients anywhere in the world! No more need to currier things back and forth, or to take long trips to see potential customers.

5. FACEBOOK. Getting your business on
Facebook is a great way to expand your brand awareness and to introduce it to the world. Facebook allows you to set up pages for your business, where you can showcase it and develop legions of fans for it. Invite people to join your page, and watch the word of mouth spread!

6. EMAIL MARKETING. Staying in contact with your clients is vital for business success. Free email marketing solutions like
Email Marketing Professional allow you to produce professional email marketing campaigns, and eNewsletters that keep your message front and centre to your clients. Better yet, it can be integrated into your website to allow people to sign up to your correspondence!

Don’t let cost be a factor for your business growth in 2009.

There are many ways to get your message out there without breaking the bank.

Do you have any ideas we’ve missed? Let us know! We love hearing from you!

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc
**Don’t forget to ask us about our FREE marketing consultation service!**

January 20, 2009

Greenwashing: the buzzword for 2009

You’ve heard it here first. The marketing term for 2009 will not be Green. But Greenwashing.

What is greenwashing? Simply put, greenwashing is the act of selling your product or service as being “green”, but in essence, there is no true environmental net benefit for the planet or society.

Wikipedia has a great article about greenwashing you can read

I want to talk about greenwashing in terms of the marketing backlash, and potential disaster it can spell for your business.

You will be seeing many businesses green branding in 2009. For starters, it is a hot selling point now and for good reason.

We are all becoming more conscious about the damage we are doing to our society. And, with the election of President Obama, environmental policy is suddenly coming back to the forefront in the US.

Many companies will seek to ride this green wave to profit.

Now, there is nothing wrong with green branding to increase profits. In fact, I hope that people make BILLIONS going green.

But greenwashing is what we are more likely to see in 2009, and if you aren’t careful you will get caught greenwashing and your business might never recover its reputation as a result.

If you want to go green –even if it is purely for marketing purposes- it has to be seen as a sincere commitment to improving environmental standards across the board of your company and the planet.

Here are 8 important green steps you can take to ensure that you are really going green, and not just greenwashing:

1) Redeveloping your products using mostly or only environmentally sustainable materials
2) Phase out all products or services that you cannot produce or provide in an environmentally friendly way
3) Upgrading your infrastructure to use mostly or only green energy
4) Re-engineering your products to use mostly or only green energy
5) Selling only organic and green products
6) Ground your sales staff, and hold only virtual online meetings. No more flying across the country needlessly
7) Spend the money and get green certified. You can learn more about
green certifications here. There might be provincial or state certifications you can look into as well
8) Ensure that your business participates in
carbon offset programs

You’ll notice what is NOT listed above: things like emailing invoices instead of printing them out and mailing. Things like email signatures that say: “Please think of the environment before printing out this email.” Empty actions such as only using recycled paper.

Those are baby steps. And steps that your business should be taking whether you are going green or not. These are the LEAST we can ALL do for our environment.

You’ll also notice something else: going green in a marketable way really is not for everyone. Not because it’s not a good thing to go green (and you should regardless). Going green will do nothing for your brand if you are an administrative company like a legal firm, accounting office, or IT company. You have to either be producing a green product or service for it to make sense in a branding perspective.

Going green is about a firm commitment to have an environmentally sustainable and positive business offering. It means sacrifice and re-engineering entire business models and processes. It means a lot more than just recycling your junk mail.

In 2009, going green is going to be big. But getting caught greenwashing is going to be even bigger. If you are going to develop a green brand, make sure you do it right. If not, you will be risking your reputation in a manner that it may never recover from.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

January 16, 2009

5 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Business!

Well, it's official. The economy has tanked.

With word today that super store Circuit City is closing its doors and laying off 30,000 people, we can only assume one thing: We're in a serious recession, and it will only get worse before it gets better.

Right now, businesses everywhere are in panic mode. And when businesses –especially small businesses- get into panic mode they do stupid things.

What they almost all do is freeze up. And I'm not talking about this week's ice age temperatures.

Let's get something straight: you will NOT survive this recession by doing NOTHING. No one has EVER survived a recession by doing NOTHING. And NOW is not the time to test the idea that you can.

Are you a small business? Are times looking tough? Then it's time to take ACTION! Here are 5 fool proof ways to jump start your business even during bad times:

  1. Take risks. That's right. Now is not the time to play it safe. You MUST be different and stand out to capture the attention of potential buyers. Spending is going to be scarce in 2009, and you are going to have to fight for and earn every dollar.
  2. Advertise. Newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations are now desperate for advertising revenue. You are never going to find a better time to get a deal on advertising space than now. Set aside some money and run 3-5 ads. Even small ones can make a huge difference in sales.
  3. Get Back to Basics. Someone once told me: "People buy from people they like". So it's time to reintroduce yourself to your customers.
    Work on your customer service skills, get back on the phone and do sales calls personally, and take your top clients out to dinner. Become their friend and your chances of keeping their business -and maybe even getting more- sky rockets.
  4. Press the flesh. It's time to go out there and meet new people. Start networking. Make new contacts. Buy the stranger standing next to you a drink. Every person you meet is now a potential customer. The more people you meet, the more chances of one of them becoming a client.
  5. Visit your competition. Drop by your top competitors and see what they are doing. Have they updated their website? Are they having a sale? 2009 is going to be one massive economic chess game. Predicting and reacting to your competition will be essential to your survival.

Don't think for a second that you will survive 2009 by not marketing yourself. You need to be out there more than ever, because consumers on all levels are staying home. You need to go out there and FIND your next customer –not wait till they walk into your store or business.

Yusuf Gad

President, a5MEDIA

January 07, 2009

Learn Branding by Watching Spongebob Squarepants

Who would have thought a cartoon could teach you so much? But it can. I sincerely believe that you can learn a lot about branding from watching Spongebob Squarepants.

If you don't know who or what that is, let me give you a quick rundown:

Spongebob is cartoon character. He's a yellow, square shaped, impossibly positive, sea sponge that lives in the under water city of Bikini Bottom. He works at the restaurant called the Krustry Krab, serving their signature dish called the Krabby Patty. His boss is a penny pinching, giant, red crab called Eugene Krabs (Mr. Krabs to you), and his co worker is a grumpy, squid called Squidward Tentacles.

Got all that?

So what can you learn about branding from Spongebob? Lots:

Internal Branding: Employees That Champion Your Brand

Spongebob – Every business needs a Spongebob or Spongebob's as employees. These are people that are not just happy at work, but LOVE what they do. Spongebob takes great pride in what he does. He goes out of his way to service his patrons, and to push the Krusty Krab brand.

Squidward – Every business –unfortunately- has a Squidward. This is the office clock watcher, the cubical grump. They only see what is negative about a company, and making clients happy is the last thing on their minds. Squidwards must be minimized or eliminated completely from your company. Unhappy employees have no business at your business. They will kill your brand.

The lesson here: finding the right employee is essential to developing a brand from the inside out.

Brand Management: Developing Your Brand Smartly

Mr. Krabs – This should be you – the entrepreneur. Mr. Krabs enjoys his work. He is proud of his business and works hard at it. But he doesn't do the cooking or the cleaning. His job is to make his business money. He is always looking for ways to increase sales, and to cut wasteful spending. He only spends to get more.

Krusty Krab – The best restaurant in town, and it has a wonderfully memorable name (hint, hint). The Krusty Krab is run efficiently, like a perfectly tuned watch. Mr. Krabs spends all his time ensuring that it is full to capacity. In real life it is your business.

What can you learn from Mr. Krabs? That your company should almost run itself, that you should spend your time growing your brand, and that you should invest wisely in your marketing.

Your Brand: Be Unique or Go Home

Krabby Patty – It is the only reason that people eat at the Krusty Krab. It is their signature dish. In real life, your Krabby Patty is your product or service. Your employees should know it by heart and love making or doing it. It should be delicious. It should be beautiful. It should be sought after. It should be perfect.

The Secret Formula – The Krabby Patty isn't just any other patty. It has a secret formula that makes it special, and makes Mr. Krabs very wealthy. It is so sought after that Mr. Krabs actually has an arch-nemesis that keeps trying to steal his formula. Your business has to have a secret formula. It has to have something that makes it unique. Coke has its 'ingredient X', KFC has its secret recipe of herb and spices.

The lesson here: your brand and business has to stand out. It has to offer something that no one else does. Being unique is the ultimate selling point.

Sounds weird to admit, but every time I watch Spongebob I learn more and more about marketing. Watch it sometime, and you'll be amazed at what you will learn!

Yusuf Gad

President, a5MEDIA inc

January 05, 2009

The Power of Now

Today, I want to write to you about an important moment in time in a businesses' life.

As an entrepreneur, I know how distracted we can get with the daily ins and outs of business. We are constantly focused on our next deadline that we forget about now. Right now. This moment.

Books have been written on the subject of now (including the great Power of Now, from where I stole the title of this blog from). Songs have been sung about now (Any Van Halen fans out there?)

But I'd like to approach now in a slightly different angle.

I've watched many businesses differ to the future, what they have to deal with now. There is always some excuse, some reason to push something to a later date.

Right now, many businesses suffer from major weaknesses.

They hire a company like a5MEDIA and they ask us to help them, but when they hear our recommendations we are told, 'we don't have time to deal with that now. We'll deal with it later'.

They are often surprised at our response:

There is no later in marketing. There is no future. There is only ever now.

Now is said to be one of the most powerful words in marketing. You see it all the time:

Call now.

Buy now.

Sign up now.

Now on sale.

Now available.

Now for the first time.

But now is not just a buzz word. It's how you survive in business.

Right now your competition isn't waiting for you to get started, isn't waiting for you to get funding, and isn't waiting for you to make it a priority.

Right now, the market place isn't holding back until you return from vacation, or waiting for the price of gas to drop to lower costs.

Right now, the frustration of your clients is reaching the tipping point, and they are already on Google looking at other options.

Right now, that million dollar idea of yours is worth half of what it was yesterday, because someone else just thought of it.

Now is not just a measurement of time. It's a plan of attack.

Now is the time to start thinking about a new website, or dealing with your internal HR issues.

Now is the time to start researching that online billing system.

Now is the moment to begin planning to upgrade your product line to meet the needs of your clients.

Now is the moment to imagine your advertising campaign.

Now. Not tomorrow. Not next week.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you can revolutionize a company in a moment. But you can always ask yourself: "what can I do right now to be better?" Now is always a great time to take a first step.

Do a little brainstorming on an idea, ask for advice from a mentor, drop in on your competition and take a look around. Simple things that can be done now, at any moment of now, to make your next now even better.

Now is the time to start thinking differently. Now is the time to start becoming better. Now is the beginning of something great.

Now… what can we do for you?

Yusuf Gad

President, a5MEDIA inc

**Don't forget to ask about our FREE marketing consultation services!**

January 03, 2009

Marketing Pains?

Are you a small to medium sized business feeling marketing pains?

Not sure how to grow your business? Is branding getting you down?

Let us know! That's why we created this blog!

Tell us what's on your mind and let us help you make 2009 the best sales year ever for you!

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc.
**Don't forget to ask about our FREE marketing consultation services!**

January 01, 2009

Happy New Year! Now Let's Get to Work!!

Happy New Year everyone!

Welcome to the first blog posting for 2009. a5MEDIA is thrilled to be able to do start regularly posting blogs and assist small to medium sized businesses everywhere with their marketing needs.

This blog is set up not only to dispense advice and solutions, but to be interactive. We want to hear from YOU. About your thoughts, concerns, and issues with growing your business and we will be more than happy to help out.

Before we go any further, let me just tell you a little about a5MEDIA and why this blog is different from other marketing or business blogs you might be subscribed to. a5MEDIA is unique.

Since 2004, we have been serving small to medium sized businesses with our affordable full service marketing solutions. We don't just help businesses design logos or develop websites. We provide them with the 5 KEY creative solutions needed to grow:

  1. Branding
  2. Market Research
  3. Copy Writing
  4. Design
  5. Publicity and Advertising

This is the blog we hope you turn to to address ALL of your marketing needs from start to finish.
So whether you are a start up company, or a firm that has been around the block a few times, allow us to answer your questions and concerns about how to grow your business.

2009 is looking to be a tough year for a lot of companies. Hopefully, with this blog, we can take ease the burden on some of you, and help you get where you need to go.

For now, I want to wish you all a great start to the New Year! If you have any questions, post them, or email us and we'll get back to you soon.

All the best,

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc.

November 11, 2009

Avoid Business Hibernation!

Winter is usually the season where we all slow down. Bears sleep through the cold, bees hide out in their hives, Canadians gather in large stadiums to watch men chase pucks with sticks, and businesses tend to put things off till after the New Year.

Don’t do it.

Many businesses traditionally follow the following cycle: slow during winter, busy during spring, slow during summer, busy during fall. Sure there are exceptions to this, but you’ll be surprised how accurate this cycle is.

As a result, businesses put off starting a marketing initiative during the holiday season, preferring to deal with it in the New Year. Bad move.

Winter and the holiday season is actually the best time to begin new marketing projects.

The slowest period for any marketing initiative is usually the first couple of months. This is when your marketing partner is coming up with design mock ups, first drafts of copywriting, or branding ideas for your consideration.

Doing these things over the holiday season and early winter is the best way to ensure that you’ll have your marketing program ready to go for the spring time business rush.

If you wait until the New Year to start doing these, odds are you won’t have things ready to go when the snow melts and your customers come out of their caves looking to make major purchases.

Don’t hibernate this winter. Start working on your marketing, and you’ll be ahead of your competition come spring.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

August 17, 2009

Is Your Brand Going Extinct?

Brands are like dinosaurs. They either evolve into birds and fly, or they stay on the ground and die.

For the last generation, marketing has been focused on helping businesses build brands by customer loyalty: focus on your core client group in any exercise of growth and sustainability.

And it worked. Very well. That marketing advice gave rise to some of the biggest brands in history: Ford, IBM, Xerox, Nortel, Coke. All of them built brands by making sure they understood their target, immediate demographics. And all these brands are in trouble.

These brands are collapsing. Many might not even be here a decade from now. Heck, some of them are already the walking dead.

And like the extinction of the dinosaurs, they never saw it coming.

If you’ve run a successful company for the last decade or so, don’t rest on your laurels. Your brand might be next.

Success in brand development for these companies came at a price: lack of investment in brand outgrowth. By focusing on their immediate client base, and current demographics, these brands failed to invest in the future. As a result, new brands captured the interest of new buyers, and many old brands are dying a slow –and inevitable death.

Just look at the car industry.

Lost in the arguments of fuel efficiency, union labour costs, and foreign competition was the stark reality that American auto companies and brand legends Ford, GM, and Chrysler failed to notice the ground shifting beneath their tires. While they were developing and maintaining brand protocols for their current demographic base (guys like our fathers), the failed to notice that a new generation (younger, savvier, and even FEMALE) was looking at cars in a different way. They were discovering brands in a different way. They were seeing products in a different way.

And this is happening everywhere: telecom, manufacturing, computers, food, drinks, toys, tools, pet supplies, cosmetics, electronics, television, and even politics. Everything is undergoing a seismic shift in brand awareness. Just like that asteroid that hit the dinosaurs.

Today, the very path that lead to great success for many companies –perhaps even your own company- might lead to certain future failure at a frighteningly fast pace. Companies need to enact new brand legislation, and new brand initiatives to connect with future brand champions and buyers.

Every single purchaser out there, from the CFO of a Fortune 500 company to the parent buying baby food for her new born, is going to be completely different in terms of brand awareness, brand evaluation methodology, and brand discovery processes than they were 5 years ago. Failing to recognize this can mean that very successful companies and brands today might be featured in the “Where Are They Now?” section of marketing textbooks in just 5 years.

It’s time to evolve.

Get your company exposed to the next generation of buyers BEFORE they become buyers. Let them become aware of your brand, so that when they are the ones making the decisions to purchase you have ALREADY won the brand war.

Ask yourself TODAY:

1) Are you positioning your brand for growth with future decision makers or just your current client base?

2) Do you know what demands are going to be made of your brand and your product or service line up in the next 5 years? The next 10?

3) What steps have you taken to grow your brand awareness to those under the age of 30?

4) Do you have a brand succession plan in place?

Brand extinction is real. It’s happening today. It ‘s happening to big companies and it’s happening to small ones.

Like the dinosaurs it is either adapt and fly, or die and go in a museum.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

June 01, 2009

Don’t be a Business Killer

I’m going to tell you a real life true-crime story. In this story, the victim is a business, killed by the very entrepreneur that was entrusted to protect it.

Now, like all good true-crime stories, the names have been changed to protect the innocent. But the sad thing is that, in this story, there are no innocents. Only victims. So we’re changing their names to protect against a lawsuit. (As good a reason as any, I suppose.)

I first met –oh, let’s call him Mr. X- in a networking function two years ago. He was, and still is, a nice, great guy, with a broad smile and an enthusiasm for business that is infectious.

We first started talking about his business a few days later, and I was really intrigued by his idea. He was the owner and operator of a great new fitness concept that we will call Fitness Inc.

Fitness Inc is so unique that I can’t even describe it in this blog without identifying the company. Needless to say, it was a great new idea for how to get a workout. And –as I felt at the time- if marketed and positioned properly, could turn the fitness industry upside down.

While Mr. X enjoyed discussing marketing with me, I found him to be resilient towards any outside help. His excuses were ones I’ve heard many times over the years. See if you recognize these as any that you would say:
  • There’s no budget for it at this time
  • We’ll do it in house
  • We don’t think we need it
  • We feel our idea is so great, it will market itself
So we parted ways, but I always kept in touch with Mr. X. After all, I had no hard feelings, and I really liked his business idea. A few months later, I followed up with Mr. X again to see how things are going, and I was shocked to learn that Fitness Inc was going out of business. Shocked but not surprised. But what really blew me away was Mr. X’s rational as to why his business went under. Again, see if this sounds familiar to you:
“Times are not conductive to build out our Fitness Inc concept right now.”
As soon as I heard that, I realized I was dealing with business murder. Because this was a business that was allowed to die, not one that deserved to die. I’ve been doing marketing for a number of years now, and in that time, I’ve seen businesses succeed and fail. And in almost every case of business failure I’ve noticed two things: 1) The failures were predictable, and 2) The failures were avoidable. Fitness Inc didn’t have to die. It could be, right now, one of the most talked about new gyms in Canada with franchises in development all over. Even from my initial discussions with Mr. X, it was clear to me that there was a lack of understanding of his market, his marketing strategy and how to connect to potential customers. Not because Mr. X was ignorant, but because he was allowing his love for his own idea get in the way of him seeing the opportunities and threats that lay before him. His business “crimes” included:
  • Failure to understand the marketplace
  • Failure to know who his idea customer was
  • Failure to work to get the message out there
  • Investing in locations, equipment, and manpower, before investing in his brand
  • Assuming that a great idea was enough
I keep going back to his excuse as to why his business failed: “Times are not conductive to build out our Fitness Inc concept right now.” In that excuse lays the entire classic rational that entrepreneurs use when they screw up. Let’s make one thing clear: rarely, if ever, does a business depend upon the economic, social, or political Zeitgeist of the moment for success or failure. The following is almost always true for 98% of businesses:
  • NOW is the right time for you to start a business
  • NOW is the right time to connect with your ideal customer
  • NOW is the right time for success
Entrepreneurs kill their own businesses by strangling them to death. The do it by restricting outside ideas, opinions, and advice. They do it by assuming they know everything, and that everything can be done “in house”. And worse yet, when their business dies, they take no responsibility in the matter, get a new incorporation number and proceed to kill all over again. I call this serial entrepreneurial murder.

Even the best business people in the world don’t know everything. Don’t assume you do. Listen, learn, ask questions, and hire an expert. There’s no shame in that, and –believe me- there is always a budget for it. You just have to be willing to find it.

Don’t be a business killer. Reach out and ask an expert: a marketer, a lawyer, an accountant –everyone. If not, the next blog post might be about you.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

May 28, 2009

a5MEDIA Featured in MENSCHLife PodCast

Hey everyone!

Been a long time since our last post, but we're back and better than ever.

Recently, I had the huge honor of being interviewed by David Grossman for his awesome podcast MENSCHLife ( (

You can see the entire show below. I'm featured in the last 15 minutes. Just let the video load totally if you want to skip to the end.

More to come!

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

March 23, 2009

4 Networking Groups You HAVE to Join

Are you interested in networking but not sure what groups or events to go to?

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about networking events, and what are the best groups to join.  As you may recall, I mentioned networking in my blog about the 5 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Business.

Networking is a great, cheap way to meet potential clients and make important business contacts.  But what networking events or groups are worth your time?

Every business is different, and each industry has their key groups that you should join.  But assuming you’ve already done that, networking outside of your industry will allow you to expand your reach and meet new people.

Here are my “one size fits all” recommendations for networking in the Toronto area.  These networking groups are good for almost anyone, and can act as a means to help you get comfortable with the idea of getting out there and pressing the flesh.

1.    Vaughn Chamber of Commerce:   The City of Vaughn is growing fast, and some of the most exciting new businesses are coming out of there right now.  They are a great chamber to join, offer great incentives and benefits to become a member, and throw great networking events.  To learn more about becoming a member, click here.

2.    BNI Canada: One of the classic networking groups in the world, BNI has a Canadian division that is broken up into local chapters.  Their unique networking sessions focus on referral marketing and encourage members to refer business to each other, and no chapter can have two people marketing the same business.

3.    JCI Canada: The Junior Chamber International has a Canadian division that is just great.  The JCI specializes in young entrepreneurs and is an amazing place to meet young professionals.  I recently attended an event and was absolutely blown away by the energy and ideas that the group had.  If you are between 18-40, you should definitely be checking this chamber out.  Click here to learn more.

4.    The Italian Chamber of Commerce Toronto (ICCT): Quite frankly, the ICCT is the best chamber in Toronto for my money (and I’m not just saying that because they are a client of ours!).  They have a tremendously supportive staff, throw amazing networking events, have a wide variety of members, and offer great advertising opportunities.  Best of all, they coordinate their efforts with every other Italian chamber in the world, so if you need help expanding a business internationally they are ideally suited to help you.  Click here to learn more about joining.

Visit and attend some functions of all of these chambers before you decide to join any.  All great networking places allow you to audit a few events before you become a member.

Membership fees are very affordable, and they offer you a chance to interact with other members and receive great member benefits that often result in savings of thousands of dollars for many businesses.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

March 12, 2009

a5MEDIA Stimulus Plan for Small Business

Small business represents 85% of the market place.  And it’s vulnerable to the economic uncertainty ahead.

Now, more than ever, small businesses need help to secure their sales and grow their business.

While governments on both sides of the border are doing their best to stimulate the economy, none have really put forward a plan of action for small business that goes beyond token tax cuts.

Well, a5MEDIA has other ideas.  And we’d like to share them with you.

Introducing a5MEDIA’s Stimulus Plan.  A balanced, demand based strategy to help businesses attract clients, minimize government intervention, and help usher in a renaissance of entrepreneurship.

As any good entrepreneur will tell you, 90% of sales is convincing people to spend money.  And this is done through developing a strong brand and a strong marketing campaign.  For small businesses, this is now VITAL to do, but with a shrinking economy, most are unable to afford it.

a5MEDIA is proposing that governments offer a series of tax credits for the next 12 months for all businesses who invest in developing a stronger brand, understanding their market better, and marketing and attracting new clients and customers.

Doing so will not only result in a more robust small business segment in the long run, but will help some businesses grow at a faster rate that they wouldn’t have before.

The Details of the Plan:

a5MEDIA recommends that governments on all levels join forces to help businesses invest in themselves.

Tax credits for the following:  (For every one dollar spent on the following, the government will count it towards your next tax year.)

1.    Market Research – 100% tax credit: any exercise that helps businesses understand their clients and market better will result in stronger businesses with better products and services.  Encouraging businesses to do this will help them create a strong and focused plan of action and will help reduce the chance of costly mistakes that lead to failure.
2.    Branding – 100% tax credit: businesses need to be able to stand out to survive.  Having a unique brand and a unique offering is central to this.  Investing in a branding exercise results in stronger companies, more disciplined management, and happier customers.
3.    New Website -100% tax credit: too many businesses don’t have a website.  Having one is CRUCIAL to our national competitiveness on the net, and is desperately needed to help businesses to attract new clients.  Empowering businesses to get a new website will do more to jump start an economy that any tax cut that government can come up with.
4.    Upgrade of an Existing Website- 50% tax credit: many businesses have a website but need to upgrade it to feature new products and services, or integrate new technologies.  A tax credit will allow these businesses to post more relevant information, feature new events, and attract new clients.
5.    Ecommerce – 100% tax credit: a disturbing number of businesses don’t have an ecommerce system set up.  This is preventing entire revenue streams from entering their business, hampering growth, and preventing government from collecting tax revenue from a major source of spending.  Making it easier for companies to do online business is a win-win for government and business.
6.    Advertising – 100% tax credit: perhaps the easiest way to attract customers is through advertising.  Offering a tax credit on advertising is not just good for small business, but good for the entire system as well.  Newspapers, radio stations, networks are all being hammered because of a drop in advertising revenue.  By encouraging businesses to advertise by way of a tax credit, we will not just be helping small business, but also the media networks from collapsing.
7.    Direct Mail – 90% price cut, 100% tax credit.  One of the main reasons why so many businesses can’t take advantage of the most successful marketing tool available is cost.  By asking the post office to slash direct mail prices by 90%, more businesses will be able to reach out to more customers.  As an added bonus: most non profits live and die based on their direct mail campaigns.  By making it more affordable for them during this economic downturn, we are increasing the chances of them attracting new and desperately needed donors.

The benefits from such a stimulus plan would be significant:

1.    We will be empowering small business owners to grow their own businesses
2.    We will be creating a  stronger small business sector
3.    Will be encouraging grass roots, local purchases and trade
4.    We will be investing in 85% of our market place and ensuring the economic diversity of the nation
5.    We will be protecting the jobs of a far greater amount of people than the auto industry
6.    Tax credits can be phased out after 12 months, so there are no long term costs for tax payers to absorb

a5MEDIA knows how important it is for businesses to be proactive in their own survival.  This plan will not only protect tax payers, but will lay down the foundation for future business growth, and help create a stronger small business economy for years to come.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc.

March 10, 2009

a5MEDIA's Small Business Stimulus Plan

If you're like me, you are probably sick to death of hearing of big banks and big companies getting billions of tax payer dollars, while small businesses get relatively nothing.

Small business represents 85% of the market place, and as such, I think we deserve a piece of the pie too.

With all of the emphasis on the big guys, no one seems to be looking out for the little guy.

Well a5MEDIA is going to change that.

Next week, we are going to announce our free marketing consultation service for small business. If you're a small business and you don't know how to grow, we'll help We'll sit down with you for an hour, go over your strategies, your materials, and then provide you with a plan of action report to help you understand the steps you need to take to grow.

If you want our help beyond that, we are here to serve. If not, you will have a solid road map that you can use to focus on over coming your business's weaknesses, playing up it's strengths, and getting the most out of your marketing bucks.

Stay tuned for more!

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

March 09, 2009

The Importance of Domain Emails To Marketing

I'm not going to lie.

I cannot believe that -9 years into the 21st century- I have to write this blog post. But it seems that many businesses just are not getting the message.

Domain email addresses are VITAL to your marketing success. Not all email addresses are the same.

There are two kinds. For the sake of this blog, we are going to call them Domain Email Addresses and Residential or Free Email Addresses.

Domain email addresses would be something like

A residential email address is -for the sake of this blog- everything else. Hotmail, GMail, Yahoo, Rogers, Sympatico, Interlog, AOL, of any free email service or any email service that comes from your Internet service provider.

Having a domain email address is not just important because it is the professional business thing to do. There are several KEY reasons why you need to start using a domain email address:

1) It is central to maintaining your brand when conducting any kind of online communications. When you use a residential email account, you are not pushing forward your brand (, you are pushing your free email account's brand (Hotmail, Yahoo, etc).

2) At every turn, your clients must be reminded of who you are and what you do. This is no more easily done that having your company name as part of your email. And before you ask: NO. It doesn't count if you place your company name with a Hotmail account for example. (

3) They tend to be more reliable in service than free email accounts.

4) They integrate easily with Blackberry and iPhone systems.

5) Many domain email accounts come with back up options to ensure that your correspondence is always preserved in case your computer crashes

6) Almost all domain email accounts allow you to either download your emails to your local computer via a mail reader like Outlook, or they allow you to access your mail via a web portal. This means that you can access to your emails from anywhere.

7) Almost all web hosting providers offer email services. So if you have a website, odds are you can have a domain email as well. Setting one up is easy, and your hosting provider will be more than happy to assist you.

Many people choose to use a residential or free email service because it comes as part of their home Internet package or because they think it is easier to use.

The problem is that using it makes you look cheap, and unsophisticated -something you don't want to be seen as in the business world.

But other than the pure optics of the situation, there are really important NOT to use a residential or free email services:

1) They don't come with any kind of guarantee of "up time". This means if your email server crashes, your free email provider has no obligation to get it back up and running within any window of time. You can be out for hours or even WEEKS. Heck, Hotmail can shut down tomorrow with no warning and there is nothing you can do about it.

2) They tend to have very paranoid SPAM and virus settings that might toss important messages or messages with important attachments into your JUNK folder where you may not see it. In some cases, attachments will be deleted all together because of virus fears.

3) Many professional companies flag emails received from residential or free email accounts, so YOUR emails might be sent to the JUNK folders of your clients or potential clients.

4) With the rise of online scams, many businesses are no longer taking seriously correspondence coming from free email accounts.

5) Some clients might take issue with important and potentially confidential business correspondence taking place over a 'freebie' email account, as they are subject to constant hacker attempts. In fact, you might be subject to legal action as a result.

Domain email accounts are so important to your online business image. Getting one is easy, affordable, and fast. Believe me, you are going to lose more business by NOT getting one, than you will spend using one.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

March 02, 2009

2009. The Year Marketing Changes Forever

I rarely look into my crystal ball, and even more rarely go public about my thoughts and predictions for the future. But in this case, I feel that I have to as no one is really talking about this in the media.

It goes without saying –and I mentioned it in our first post- that 2009 is going to be a bloodbath for business. I like to fancy myself as an arm chair economist, and –this time- I can see the writing on the walls: The stock market is only going to sink more, more American banks are going to tank, and more layoffs are going to happen.

We’ve all heard of the troubles of City Bank, Ford, Chrysler, GM, AIG, Freddie Mac, Fannie May. And those are just the really, really big ones. There are a host of other big companies that are on the ropes, waiting for the knockout punch.

In 2009, three streets are going to fail, and forever change: Wall Street, Main Street, and Madison Avenue.

We’re all familiar with the issues on Wall Street, and we all know how this is affecting things on Main Street. (You know. Where regular people live, losing their jobs, and are getting evicted from their homes.)

But if these two streets are seeing bloodshed, wait till you see the massacre on Madison Avenue.

Madison Avenue is where most of the big advertising companies reside. It’s also a euphemism for the entire marketing/advertising/PR industry.

If you know anything about this industry, you know that for all the hype surrounding the big firms, they are all basically the same. Almost all of them focus almost only on Fortune 500 companies, almost all of them have HUGE office buildings and carry a massive overhead, almost all of them get 80% of their wealth from 1 or 2 big customers, and almost all of them are on life support right now.

Right now, the marketing industry is seeing layoffs at a rate that hasn’t been seen in decades, and it hasn’t even got really bad yet. Many will collapse before the end of 2009. And the ones that survive will never be the same.

Why? Because the entire industry has fixated itself on the really big guys, when the really big guys go broke, the industry starves. Big corporations cannot pay their rent any longer, let alone an advertising and interactive marketing campaign.

However, there is an important silver lining to these dark clouds and –for once- it’s the little guy that will benefit.

Firstly is that there is going to be a FLOOD of talented designers, writers, PR people, and advertising specialists hitting the markets as they continue to be laid off. If you require an in house specialist for a short period of time, now is the time to look. There is some great talent out there looking for work.

Secondly, advertising rates are expected to drop this year sharply. Now is the time to go out there and push your business. Newspapers, television stations, and radio stations are desperate for ad revenue. If you are a good negotiator you will get yourself a great deal. Don’t believe me? Here’s a list of news papers that have gone or are almost bankrupt in 2009 alone!

Thirdly, with larger firms not advertising as much, mid-sized firms have a chance to increase mind share by being more aggressive in their marketing. While the confidence in large companies wanes, smaller firms can position themselves as a stable more reliable alternative.

Fourthly, if you are a fellow marketing firm of modest size, this is the year to get noticed. A lot of the larger firms will be no longer able to service their clients at reasonable rates. A small firm can clean up this year with a great strategy to get those clients.

From the very beginning, a5MEDIA structured itself to be the anti-agency. We deliberately focused on smaller businesses, and had a business model that demanded a variety of clients of all sizes. As of 2008, a5MEDIA has set itself up to not require a physical office to work from (lowering our overhead and reducing our costs to our clients), but also instituted an online collaboration system to allow us to work more effectively with clients no matter where they are in the world.

I’m not saying this (just) to toot our own horn. (Toot!) I’m mentioning this because this ‘market correction’ in the advertising world is going to affect the way a lot of businesses do their marketing.

Ultimately, Madison Avenue will come roaring back. But it won’t be this year or even next. But these two years will forever change the industry in my opinion. Firms are going to get more humble; they will rely more and more on out sourcing and freelancers, and will ultimately take on more medium sized clients to diversify their client base. (Sound familiar?)

In the meantime, it’s a golden opportunity for small business and small marketing firms. Don’t let this year pass you by without taking advantage of it!

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA

March 01, 2009

Restaurant Marketing Tips – Part 2

Last time, we talked about the fundamentals of restaurant marketing. Today, I want to talk about the digital age has affected restaurant marketing, and what steps a restaurant or diner can take to help see their sales grow.

The Internet has revolutionized restaurant marketing like it has revolutionized everything else. But it is still concerning to see how many restaurants have not taken advantage of what the Internet has to offer in terms of great marketing solutions.

Too many restaurants still rely on word of mouth or pedestrian traffic for their sales. While this will always be the mainstay of their business, it is becoming increasingly more and more competitive to ensure consistent sales growth for individual eateries.

2009, with all of the financial issues we are facing, is going to be tough for most businesses. It will be ESPECIALLY difficult for restaurants. Now, more than ever, restaurants need to focus on long term strategies for consistent growth.

The Internet provides a perfect vehicle to do just that. So let's see what can be done on line to get more patrons at your eatery.

Get a Website: Why is it that more restaurants don't have a custom website is mind boggling. No matter what the upfront cost is, by not spending it you are jeopardizing much more in potentially lost sales. So get one. NOW! A good website will be custom done -from scratch- to
convey to the visitor your restaurant's experience. It will be search engine friendly, have lots of pictures of your establishment, lots of pictures of your dishes (people eat with their eyes), your menus (both food and drink), prices, hours of operation, map of your location, and contact info (both phone and email). Don't forget to make sure that your location is listed on every page. This is a great way to ensure that you are found. Nowadays, people want to learn as much about a business before they drop their cash. A website is a great way of doing that.

Start Email Marketing: On your website, allow people the chance to sign up to your mailing list so you can easily send them email updates about specials, events, and promotions. And send these emails out regularly. At least once at week but no more that 3 times a week. When you give your customers their bill, give them a card they can fill out and provide their email information and let them know you want to stay in touch. Some great and affordable email marketing tools include 12ALL and PHPList. Email marketing is completely under utilized by restaurants, so make sure you take full advantage of it and be creative in your use. (More on this next).

REALLY Start Email Marketing: Now that you have a database of customers, and great email marketing software, keep in touch with your subscribers. And keep in touch creatively. Don't just let them know about this weeks specials, use email marketing to help you with your downtime. Use it as a means to kick up sales on a bad day. For example, anyone who owns a restaurant knows how a rainy day can kill sales. So instead of spending the day alone at your eatery, send out an email and offer a 'rainy day special'. Try and make an offer that will entice people to brave the weather and join you for a meal!

Be Wary of Restaurant Directories: In Toronto, restaurants are tempted to join MenuPalace or Dine.TO. While I have nothing against these businesses per se, they all merely glorified restaurant directories. Ultimately, they offer you little in ways of a tactical advantage. Most people will still use Google or Yahoo and do a search for the kind of restaurant they are hungry for. Many of these kinds of sites will offer to develop a website for you for cheap. I recommend against it. Many times, they use template based solutions, that make all of their websites look exactly the same.
You're has to stand out. Worse yet, much of the time they do websites in Flash, that aren't search engine friendly. It is much better for you in the long run to invest in a well designed website that is search engine friendly.

Get on Facebook: Facebook groups are a great way to extend your brand. They allow you to reintroduce it to your friends, and allow your advertising to grow organically. Social networking is going to be the dominant marketing tool for the next 5 years, so get used to it. Get on Facebook, start a group, add lots of photos, and start inviting people. It's free, it's easy, it works, and -did I mention?- it's free.

Get on Twitter: Along with Email Marketing, Facebook, and a Website, Twitter is a great way to send out quick messages to your fans. Twitter is basically an on line paging system. Type a message, hit enter, and anyone that is following you on Twitter will get your message. This is a GREAT tool to use in conjunction with an email marketing initiative and ties in very well with Facebook.

Take Professional Photos: I've mentioned this already before, but it bares repeating. People eat with their eyes. The more delicious your food looks the more people will want to eat it. Make sure your photos are professionally done, so they look their most yummy. Once you have them, post them everywhere: your website, Facebook, Twitter, everywhere!

The Internet provides all the tools you need to get a great marketing campaign off the ground for your business quickly, and affordably. And you HAVE to start using it. Effective use of on line marketing techniques can be a Godsend for your restaurant.

Get to it!

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc.

February 24, 2009

Tax Time Means Marketing Time (For Accountants)

Did you know that only 15% of all accountants have a website? Doesn’t that sound a little weird to you, given the fact that most businesses really don’t have a solid relationship with accountants to begin with?

Accounting –next to prostitution- is probably the oldest profession in history. Written language actually developed for the purposes of keeping track of grain storage and inventory in ancient Sumaria. Ancient accountants were second only to the priest class in social importance to early empires.

And you know what? It’s still an old profession. It’s a profession that insists on presenting itself in a dull, dated, tired way. If at all!

If you’re an accountant, or know someone who is, this blog posting is for you. Sure, accounting is boring, but that’s no excuse for boring marketing.

So here we go: 7 important marketing tips for accountants

  1. Stop complaining that accounting is dull. Accept it, embrace it, love it. Accounting may be dull, but your services are still vital for business success. That’s what you should focus on.
  2. Get a website and say something. Accounting services are all pretty much the same, but each accountant does different things. What do you do that is different from the other guy? What’s your focus? What do you specialize in?
  3. Uncomplicate the complicated. Accounting is a nightmare for most businesses. But the most successful accountants take that confusion and use it as a great sales tool. They simplify the process of accounting for their clients. Show businesses how you make their accounting a breeze, and watch business pour in.
  4. Bundle services as products. Here’s a secret: 90% of businesses run exactly the same way. They all pay their bills around the same times, they all pay their staffs around the same time, and they all have the same kind of inventory issues. Knowing this should allow you to create service offerings that you can sell on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis to businesses. Sell your services as a product, and you’ll see business pick up!
  5. Get a brochure. Most accountants don’t have one, and it still boggles my mind. Accounting is a lot more than just QuickBooks. It’s bookkeeping, auditing, taxation advice, investment advice, spending advice, payroll services. It’s HUGE. By listing your services with a brief description, you allow your customers to better understand what you offer, and that makes it easier for people to buy additional services from you.
  6. Do a newsletter. Send out a monthly or quarterly newsletter via email or regular mail to your clients. Let them know what is new in the world of taxes and accounting. Keep them in the loop on things and you’ll look like a superstar!
  7. Understand business cycles of various industries. Many industries go through unique sales cycles. The more you understand those cycles the better you are positioned to send your sales material at just the right time to capture their business. Remember: most people save doing their accounting and their taxes till the last possible moment. So knowing when that last moment is on their schedule can be vital to gaining them as a new client!

Accountants really need to start focusing on their messaging and marketing. It is too vital a service to the business community.

In the next 10 years you’ll notice a trend that the accountants with the best online image and focused messages will be the ones that will have the best success.

The question is: do you want to share in that success?

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

February 11, 2009

February 09, 2009

Tips for Marketing Your Restaurant

Do you know someone who owns a restaurant, diner, or café? Then this blog post is for them.

Today we talk about marketing for restaurants –an often neglected practice for many eateries.Why so many restaurants think they are immune from the basic laws of marketing, I will never know, but it’s time we set the record straight on the importance of marketing to this industry.

Effective marketing will not only increase the number of patrons that visit your establishment, but will help you minimize traditional restaurant ‘downtimes’.

Act Locally

  • Most restaurateurs will tell you that most of their clientele is from the local neighborhood. So focusing the bulk of your marketing activities to your surrounding area is key.

  • Surrounding billboards, bus stop advertisements, and community newspapers are a great way to capture the attention of the locals and the passer-bys.

  • Direct mail and flier campaigns are the most effective for a targeted campaign. Set aside a budget to allow for at least three mail campaigns per month to your neighborhood. Doing this ensures that you will always be at the top of people’s minds when their stomach starts to growl.

Get Reviewed

  • Restaurant reviews are a great way to capture citywide attention at minimal cost.

  • Hire a good Public Relations person or firm and let them drum up media attention for you.

  • It’s cheaper than advertising and will give you great exposure beyond your local ‘hood.

  • If you can’t afford a PR person, work the phones and invite reviewers down personally.

  • You won’t know that the reviewer has eaten at your place until you read the review , so always be ready!


  • Once you get reviewed –and of course it will be a great one- give the article a prominent place near the outside of your restaurant for potential clientele to see.

  • People will always choose to eat at a restaurant that has been reviewed positively, than one that has never been reviewed at all.

  • Be careful to keep such postings current however. No one cares about the glowing review you got when you first opened in 1967. They want to make sure that you are still great TODAY.
In the upcoming weeks, I’ll be posting about how restaurants can take full advantage of online technologies to give their businesses a shot in the arm. So stay tuned!Do you have a suggestion for how to market a restaurant? Share it with us!

Turn Downtime into Uptime

  • Most companies hold most of their meetings when restaurants are at their slowest. So convince those businesses to hold their meetings at your place.

  • If possible, create a ‘corporate’ area at your establishment with easy access to electrical plugs, and maybe even a projector and screen. (In Toronto, a restaurant called Insomnia has done this brilliantly).

  • More and more companies are also holding their events during the day. So let businesses know that they are able to completely book your establishment during certain hours.

  • You can easily send a mail campaign to only businesses in your neighborhood letting them know that you are now biz-friendly.

  • Students and freelance workers are always desperate to get out of the house to get some work done. Make your business friendly to them by offering free WI-FI access.

  • Even if all you get is a few extra patrons a day who order only coffee, this could mean HUNDREDS of extra dollars a month in sales.

Keep it New

Sooner or later your regulars will have tried everything on the menu, and will be in the mood for something new. That’s why it’s really important to always be on top of the latest culinary trends, and incorporate them into your menus if possible. The trick is to always give your patrons a reason to come back.

  • Have a daily special, and make sure you never repeat it more than once every two weeks.

  • Make sure your menu evolves. Always make sure that your menu is operating at peak efficiency. Drop the less popular items and substitute them with new dishes.

  • Try a new twist on an old favorite. Put your chefs had on and experiment. People want to try new things, and your job is to make sure it is delicious.

Deliver, deliver, deliver.

People are lazy. They don’t want to walk all the way across the street to get some food, when Pizza Pizza, Quiznos, Pita Pit, and Swiss Chalet will now deliver. You need to start doing so to remain competitive.

  • Start off small. Let your regulars know that you now deliver within a three block radius.

  • Expand your circle of delivery as demand grows.

  • Send out a flier to your delivery zone once a month making sure you mention that you deliver.

  • Set up a page on your website (you DO have a website don’t you?!) devoted exclusively to delivery, and posting your menu there for easy access.

The restaurant business is probably the toughest industry in the world. You think stock brokers are under pressure? Try owning a hot dog stand. But with the right skill, a great menu, and a solid marketing push, a restaurant is in a unique position to make tremendous money.

Yusuf Gad

President, a5MEDIA

January 29, 2009

Marketing God

Is it wrong to advertise against God?

It's the big story in Toronto today and the TTC (our public transportation system administrators here) are in the process of answering that question.

A group called the Freethought Association of Canada ( are going to place adverts in Toronto buses stating "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

Provoked yet?

Now, religious advertising on the transit system is nothing new. A group calling itself Bus Stop Bible Studies ( have been advertising for a while now. And no one ever seemed to raise a stink about Bible verses hanging over their heads on the commute to work.

Religious groups are –of course- poised to protest the Freethought Association for what they deem to be offensive advertising. But I would caution them against that.

This is a golden opportunity for religious groups to reach out and engage in the kind of marketing push God really needs right now.

Let's be honest. It's been a tough time for The Supreme Being. Holy Wars, cultural shifts, value changes have all left the Big Guy a little deflated. If anyone needs a re-branding, it's God.

Part of the reason for the God Brand being hurt, is that he's been marketed wrong for years now. Old man with beard, angry deity demanding sacrifice, dispassionate omnipotent force calling for judgement. Doesn't exactly make you want to rush to church.

But those that know their stuff, know that that isn't what God is about. And it's time that they start re-introducing us to Him. What better way than an advertising campaign?

I ask –and I challenge- religious groups of all kinds to take up the cause and fire back with a pithy ad of their own. Find a marketing firm that will rise to the occasion, and launch a counter strike. This could be the most important series of advertisements since Pepsi and Coke went at it during the 1980s.

God has always been marketed. "Our god is better than your god" is probably the oldest slogan in history. "God is great" is really just a religious company motto.

Religious groups should see this as a chance to reconnect people to the God that inspired people to great things: for Jesus to love his enemies, for Muhammad to demand social justice, for Ghandi to seek peaceful means to an end.

Marketing God is just another exercise in sophisticated branding. The marketing of God is not about proving His existence. It's about relaying the experience of the divine, and the transformational power He's had throughout history.

People say that Coke is the biggest brand in advertising. Somehow –after today- I think they are wrong.

Yusuf Gad

President, a5MEDIA inc

January 28, 2009

7 DOs for Successful Marketing on Facebook

Facebook is one of the most important marketing weapons in a small business arsenal. It’s free, it’s easy to use, and it’s a great way to get your message out there. AND it does work! I can say that in the last month we at a5MEDIA have picked up three new clients because they found us on Facebook. If you want to see results with Facebook and get the biggest bang from your online marketing, here are 7 key DOs for you to follow:

  1. DO have a Facebook group page AND a Facebook fan page. Having both allows you to do two things. A) It lets you have twice as much correspondence for people. B) It gives you twice as many chances to invite people to get to know your brand.

  2. DO link to your website, contact info and blogs. A Facebook page is just a teaser about your company. It won’t have all your company information. You need to give an avenue for people to discover your brand and services on their own terms, and find the information that is important to them.

  3. DO upload photos . People are visual. They want to ‘see’ the story before read it. So show off your products, services, clients, and team on Facebook by uploading their pictures. Use the picture description to tell the world a little story behind each photo, and watch your members’ interest rise!

  4. DO invite EVERYONE you know. The more people you invite the faster your brand awareness grows. In face it starts to grow EXPONENTIALLY, because each person that joins your group or page will set off a News Feed that will allow others to see that they have joined. People who have never met you will learn about your company!

  5. DO keep your pages up to date. There is no point in creating Facebook groups or pages if you aren’t going to use them as one of your ongoing marketing touch points. You need to keep posting relevant information on a continuous basis. News, product launches, success stories, tips, tricks - all of these need to be fed into your Facebook scene!

  6. DO send out messages regularly. Facebook is perhaps the EASIEST e-marketing tool invented. Your pages allow you to easily send messages out to everyone. What a great way to let people know about your next sale, your new open house, or your grand opening. Keep in touch with your fans, and you will always be in their minds when they are making a purchasing decision.

  7. DO respond to messages on your pages. If all goes well, your Facebook pages will be seen more as a community and less as a billboard. People will start talking about your business, asking you questions, and giving you testimonials. You need to be vigilant and answer each and every one of these, so that you maintain close contact with potential buyers. Become friends with them and you will have a customer for life!

7 simple DOs, when done right- and consistently -will help you get new clients and grow your brand awareness. And, hopefully, stop you from having any marketing D’OHs!

Yusuf Gad

President, a5MEDIA

January 22, 2009

6 Ways to Get FREE Marketing

As we all know, 2009 is going to be a living hell for many businesses. Revenues are going to be down, and sales will be anaemic. However, that doesn’t mean you stop going after new customers. On the contrary: you had better double your efforts! For the budget conscious, here are 6 ways to get your message out there for next to NO money:

1. BLOGGING. Blogging is a free way to get your message out there to the masses. Anyone can do it, and best of all, it is FREE, FREE, FREE! Personally, I recommend using Google’s free Blogger, but there are LOTS of different blog sites to choose from.

2. YOUTUBE. It is FREE to post videos on
YouTube. Doing so can get you some free advertising. Better yet, you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Have something to say? Record it on your webcam using free webcam recording software, and add titles and special effects using Windows free editing software. Get creative and you can have a viral hit on your hands!

3. VIRTUAL DEMOS. Showing is always better than telling. So when you need to SHOW something to someone, consider producing your own
demos right from your desktop. Just use free screen capturing software and you can showcase your new software , product, website or anything else on your computer, then easily upload it so that the world can watch it.

4. REMOTE COLLABORATION. Is distance an issue when trying to conduct business? Today, it is easier –and cheaper- than ever to expand your client base globally. Companies like
DimDim are providing FREE online collaboration tools that allow you to connect with people anywhere in the world and review materials, do presentations, VOIP, do white board sessions – with clients anywhere in the world! No more need to currier things back and forth, or to take long trips to see potential customers.

5. FACEBOOK. Getting your business on
Facebook is a great way to expand your brand awareness and to introduce it to the world. Facebook allows you to set up pages for your business, where you can showcase it and develop legions of fans for it. Invite people to join your page, and watch the word of mouth spread!

6. EMAIL MARKETING. Staying in contact with your clients is vital for business success. Free email marketing solutions like
Email Marketing Professional allow you to produce professional email marketing campaigns, and eNewsletters that keep your message front and centre to your clients. Better yet, it can be integrated into your website to allow people to sign up to your correspondence!

Don’t let cost be a factor for your business growth in 2009.

There are many ways to get your message out there without breaking the bank.

Do you have any ideas we’ve missed? Let us know! We love hearing from you!

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc
**Don’t forget to ask us about our FREE marketing consultation service!**

January 20, 2009

Greenwashing: the buzzword for 2009

You’ve heard it here first. The marketing term for 2009 will not be Green. But Greenwashing.

What is greenwashing? Simply put, greenwashing is the act of selling your product or service as being “green”, but in essence, there is no true environmental net benefit for the planet or society.

Wikipedia has a great article about greenwashing you can read

I want to talk about greenwashing in terms of the marketing backlash, and potential disaster it can spell for your business.

You will be seeing many businesses green branding in 2009. For starters, it is a hot selling point now and for good reason.

We are all becoming more conscious about the damage we are doing to our society. And, with the election of President Obama, environmental policy is suddenly coming back to the forefront in the US.

Many companies will seek to ride this green wave to profit.

Now, there is nothing wrong with green branding to increase profits. In fact, I hope that people make BILLIONS going green.

But greenwashing is what we are more likely to see in 2009, and if you aren’t careful you will get caught greenwashing and your business might never recover its reputation as a result.

If you want to go green –even if it is purely for marketing purposes- it has to be seen as a sincere commitment to improving environmental standards across the board of your company and the planet.

Here are 8 important green steps you can take to ensure that you are really going green, and not just greenwashing:

1) Redeveloping your products using mostly or only environmentally sustainable materials
2) Phase out all products or services that you cannot produce or provide in an environmentally friendly way
3) Upgrading your infrastructure to use mostly or only green energy
4) Re-engineering your products to use mostly or only green energy
5) Selling only organic and green products
6) Ground your sales staff, and hold only virtual online meetings. No more flying across the country needlessly
7) Spend the money and get green certified. You can learn more about
green certifications here. There might be provincial or state certifications you can look into as well
8) Ensure that your business participates in
carbon offset programs

You’ll notice what is NOT listed above: things like emailing invoices instead of printing them out and mailing. Things like email signatures that say: “Please think of the environment before printing out this email.” Empty actions such as only using recycled paper.

Those are baby steps. And steps that your business should be taking whether you are going green or not. These are the LEAST we can ALL do for our environment.

You’ll also notice something else: going green in a marketable way really is not for everyone. Not because it’s not a good thing to go green (and you should regardless). Going green will do nothing for your brand if you are an administrative company like a legal firm, accounting office, or IT company. You have to either be producing a green product or service for it to make sense in a branding perspective.

Going green is about a firm commitment to have an environmentally sustainable and positive business offering. It means sacrifice and re-engineering entire business models and processes. It means a lot more than just recycling your junk mail.

In 2009, going green is going to be big. But getting caught greenwashing is going to be even bigger. If you are going to develop a green brand, make sure you do it right. If not, you will be risking your reputation in a manner that it may never recover from.

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc

January 16, 2009

5 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Business!

Well, it's official. The economy has tanked.

With word today that super store Circuit City is closing its doors and laying off 30,000 people, we can only assume one thing: We're in a serious recession, and it will only get worse before it gets better.

Right now, businesses everywhere are in panic mode. And when businesses –especially small businesses- get into panic mode they do stupid things.

What they almost all do is freeze up. And I'm not talking about this week's ice age temperatures.

Let's get something straight: you will NOT survive this recession by doing NOTHING. No one has EVER survived a recession by doing NOTHING. And NOW is not the time to test the idea that you can.

Are you a small business? Are times looking tough? Then it's time to take ACTION! Here are 5 fool proof ways to jump start your business even during bad times:

  1. Take risks. That's right. Now is not the time to play it safe. You MUST be different and stand out to capture the attention of potential buyers. Spending is going to be scarce in 2009, and you are going to have to fight for and earn every dollar.
  2. Advertise. Newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations are now desperate for advertising revenue. You are never going to find a better time to get a deal on advertising space than now. Set aside some money and run 3-5 ads. Even small ones can make a huge difference in sales.
  3. Get Back to Basics. Someone once told me: "People buy from people they like". So it's time to reintroduce yourself to your customers.
    Work on your customer service skills, get back on the phone and do sales calls personally, and take your top clients out to dinner. Become their friend and your chances of keeping their business -and maybe even getting more- sky rockets.
  4. Press the flesh. It's time to go out there and meet new people. Start networking. Make new contacts. Buy the stranger standing next to you a drink. Every person you meet is now a potential customer. The more people you meet, the more chances of one of them becoming a client.
  5. Visit your competition. Drop by your top competitors and see what they are doing. Have they updated their website? Are they having a sale? 2009 is going to be one massive economic chess game. Predicting and reacting to your competition will be essential to your survival.

Don't think for a second that you will survive 2009 by not marketing yourself. You need to be out there more than ever, because consumers on all levels are staying home. You need to go out there and FIND your next customer –not wait till they walk into your store or business.

Yusuf Gad

President, a5MEDIA

January 07, 2009

Learn Branding by Watching Spongebob Squarepants

Who would have thought a cartoon could teach you so much? But it can. I sincerely believe that you can learn a lot about branding from watching Spongebob Squarepants.

If you don't know who or what that is, let me give you a quick rundown:

Spongebob is cartoon character. He's a yellow, square shaped, impossibly positive, sea sponge that lives in the under water city of Bikini Bottom. He works at the restaurant called the Krustry Krab, serving their signature dish called the Krabby Patty. His boss is a penny pinching, giant, red crab called Eugene Krabs (Mr. Krabs to you), and his co worker is a grumpy, squid called Squidward Tentacles.

Got all that?

So what can you learn about branding from Spongebob? Lots:

Internal Branding: Employees That Champion Your Brand

Spongebob – Every business needs a Spongebob or Spongebob's as employees. These are people that are not just happy at work, but LOVE what they do. Spongebob takes great pride in what he does. He goes out of his way to service his patrons, and to push the Krusty Krab brand.

Squidward – Every business –unfortunately- has a Squidward. This is the office clock watcher, the cubical grump. They only see what is negative about a company, and making clients happy is the last thing on their minds. Squidwards must be minimized or eliminated completely from your company. Unhappy employees have no business at your business. They will kill your brand.

The lesson here: finding the right employee is essential to developing a brand from the inside out.

Brand Management: Developing Your Brand Smartly

Mr. Krabs – This should be you – the entrepreneur. Mr. Krabs enjoys his work. He is proud of his business and works hard at it. But he doesn't do the cooking or the cleaning. His job is to make his business money. He is always looking for ways to increase sales, and to cut wasteful spending. He only spends to get more.

Krusty Krab – The best restaurant in town, and it has a wonderfully memorable name (hint, hint). The Krusty Krab is run efficiently, like a perfectly tuned watch. Mr. Krabs spends all his time ensuring that it is full to capacity. In real life it is your business.

What can you learn from Mr. Krabs? That your company should almost run itself, that you should spend your time growing your brand, and that you should invest wisely in your marketing.

Your Brand: Be Unique or Go Home

Krabby Patty – It is the only reason that people eat at the Krusty Krab. It is their signature dish. In real life, your Krabby Patty is your product or service. Your employees should know it by heart and love making or doing it. It should be delicious. It should be beautiful. It should be sought after. It should be perfect.

The Secret Formula – The Krabby Patty isn't just any other patty. It has a secret formula that makes it special, and makes Mr. Krabs very wealthy. It is so sought after that Mr. Krabs actually has an arch-nemesis that keeps trying to steal his formula. Your business has to have a secret formula. It has to have something that makes it unique. Coke has its 'ingredient X', KFC has its secret recipe of herb and spices.

The lesson here: your brand and business has to stand out. It has to offer something that no one else does. Being unique is the ultimate selling point.

Sounds weird to admit, but every time I watch Spongebob I learn more and more about marketing. Watch it sometime, and you'll be amazed at what you will learn!

Yusuf Gad

President, a5MEDIA inc

January 05, 2009

The Power of Now

Today, I want to write to you about an important moment in time in a businesses' life.

As an entrepreneur, I know how distracted we can get with the daily ins and outs of business. We are constantly focused on our next deadline that we forget about now. Right now. This moment.

Books have been written on the subject of now (including the great Power of Now, from where I stole the title of this blog from). Songs have been sung about now (Any Van Halen fans out there?)

But I'd like to approach now in a slightly different angle.

I've watched many businesses differ to the future, what they have to deal with now. There is always some excuse, some reason to push something to a later date.

Right now, many businesses suffer from major weaknesses.

They hire a company like a5MEDIA and they ask us to help them, but when they hear our recommendations we are told, 'we don't have time to deal with that now. We'll deal with it later'.

They are often surprised at our response:

There is no later in marketing. There is no future. There is only ever now.

Now is said to be one of the most powerful words in marketing. You see it all the time:

Call now.

Buy now.

Sign up now.

Now on sale.

Now available.

Now for the first time.

But now is not just a buzz word. It's how you survive in business.

Right now your competition isn't waiting for you to get started, isn't waiting for you to get funding, and isn't waiting for you to make it a priority.

Right now, the market place isn't holding back until you return from vacation, or waiting for the price of gas to drop to lower costs.

Right now, the frustration of your clients is reaching the tipping point, and they are already on Google looking at other options.

Right now, that million dollar idea of yours is worth half of what it was yesterday, because someone else just thought of it.

Now is not just a measurement of time. It's a plan of attack.

Now is the time to start thinking about a new website, or dealing with your internal HR issues.

Now is the time to start researching that online billing system.

Now is the moment to begin planning to upgrade your product line to meet the needs of your clients.

Now is the moment to imagine your advertising campaign.

Now. Not tomorrow. Not next week.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you can revolutionize a company in a moment. But you can always ask yourself: "what can I do right now to be better?" Now is always a great time to take a first step.

Do a little brainstorming on an idea, ask for advice from a mentor, drop in on your competition and take a look around. Simple things that can be done now, at any moment of now, to make your next now even better.

Now is the time to start thinking differently. Now is the time to start becoming better. Now is the beginning of something great.

Now… what can we do for you?

Yusuf Gad

President, a5MEDIA inc

**Don't forget to ask about our FREE marketing consultation services!**

January 03, 2009

Marketing Pains?

Are you a small to medium sized business feeling marketing pains?

Not sure how to grow your business? Is branding getting you down?

Let us know! That's why we created this blog!

Tell us what's on your mind and let us help you make 2009 the best sales year ever for you!

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc.
**Don't forget to ask about our FREE marketing consultation services!**

January 01, 2009

Happy New Year! Now Let's Get to Work!!

Happy New Year everyone!

Welcome to the first blog posting for 2009. a5MEDIA is thrilled to be able to do start regularly posting blogs and assist small to medium sized businesses everywhere with their marketing needs.

This blog is set up not only to dispense advice and solutions, but to be interactive. We want to hear from YOU. About your thoughts, concerns, and issues with growing your business and we will be more than happy to help out.

Before we go any further, let me just tell you a little about a5MEDIA and why this blog is different from other marketing or business blogs you might be subscribed to. a5MEDIA is unique.

Since 2004, we have been serving small to medium sized businesses with our affordable full service marketing solutions. We don't just help businesses design logos or develop websites. We provide them with the 5 KEY creative solutions needed to grow:

  1. Branding
  2. Market Research
  3. Copy Writing
  4. Design
  5. Publicity and Advertising

This is the blog we hope you turn to to address ALL of your marketing needs from start to finish.
So whether you are a start up company, or a firm that has been around the block a few times, allow us to answer your questions and concerns about how to grow your business.

2009 is looking to be a tough year for a lot of companies. Hopefully, with this blog, we can take ease the burden on some of you, and help you get where you need to go.

For now, I want to wish you all a great start to the New Year! If you have any questions, post them, or email us and we'll get back to you soon.

All the best,

Yusuf Gad
President, a5MEDIA inc.